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Our curricula are bespoke to individual academies, but are underpinned by key, consistent features defined as a trust:

  • pupils are introduced to the best that has been thought and said as their entitlement, which creates a foundation for widening horizons and opportunities to think bigger to build the skills to achieve the very best they can.
  • pupils are given the opportunity to explore and develop their curiosity, an appreciation of human creativity and achievement and to develop a life-long love of learning
  • pupils are prepared to accept nuance and consider, critically, and compassionately the information they consume
  • our pupils develop their knowledge and skills through deliberate practice and application in a variety of contexts
  • our teachers use their expertise to communicate knowledge, induct pupils into subject disciplines and to facilitate pupils’ own discovery and interests
  • our staff work together to implement and draw upon ambitious, intelligent, cross-curricular and cross-phase links
  • our curricula celebrate the diverse backgrounds of the pupils in our care and the community we serve, and incorporate a strong anti-racist and inclusive perspective. Pressing current issues such as climate change, are addressed through responsive implementation.

Our bespoke approach

Our curriculum is a direct result of how we at The Rushmere Park Academy value our pupil’s opinions and expectations.

We asked our pupils what they would like from their curriculum? Their answers were simple. I want to explore, I want to create, paint and build, I want to be a scientist, I want to learn about other people and places.

Our curriculum reflects our desire to ensure that every child receives what is their fundamental right: a good education, not only a good education but the right education for each individual child.

Curriculum intent

The curriculum offers our pupils the opportunity to have a purpose for learning and therefore they can own that learning journey.

Curriculum implementation

Our bespoke curriculum is inspired by the pupil’s curiosity and is expertly incorporated completely throughout and across the whole of the school’s curriculum. 

Connecting and embedding our learning across all the subjects enables pupils to understand the relevance of the elements of their learning for example: graphs in mathematics are utilised when comparing the rainfall in different countries, the importance of gravity, aerodynamics and uplift are utilised when discussing gliders, aeroplanes, and the distribution of seeds in science. Through debates and discussion pupils can explore the moral issues affecting the inhabitants of the rain forest and the need for the industrialised use of the land –deforestation. This aspect of learning may then link to their literacy lessons, utilising persuasive writing, report writing and poetry.

Our curriculum enables pupils across all year groups to have an age relevant understanding of the topics being covered. The 80% teacher led 20% pupils led curriculum is bespoke, guided expertly by enthusiastic practitioners, and greatly influenced by the curiosity of the pupils in their school.

Developing an understanding of the world around us and preparing our pupils to become morally responsible young people who are curious and aspirational young adults plays a major part in our choice of topics. Encouraging pupils to contribute their opinions and ideas which may influence the curriculum develops a sense of ownership and responsibility for their learning and engagement, which in turn may develop independence and a sense of belonging.

The impact

Our pupils develop an understanding of the world around them and are preparing to become morally responsible young people who are curious and aspirational young adults. Pupils have the confidence to contribute their opinions and ideas, discuss, debate and act upon their beliefs. Recognise that they have ownership and responsibility for their learning journey, and that they can strive, achieve and believe. Curious, engaged, resilient learners who aspire and have expectations of the world around them. Ultimately resulting in confident, happy, lifelong learners.

If you would like to know more about our curriculum, please contact the school office via email
